Operation change, my ass. Barack picks Sen. Joe Biden, a sen. for thirty plus years. Boy he is really a breath of fresh air and a big change. Barack says Washington broke and we need a change. This is what he offers for change. The Dems say he is not a Washington insider cause he takes the train home every night to Delaware. So you have to live in D C to be a Washington insider? How stupid do the Dems think we are. The real reasons they picked old Joe, Barack is not polling well with white men and to help his military credentials.
Thank you for not picking the Hildabeast and her 18 million votes.Brilliant. Barack campaign is reeling and this pick was a dud. Joe I quote "I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would better off." That is a ringing endorsement Barack Hussein Obama. Another quote has him saying he thinks Barack is not ready to president yet.
1 comment:
I think that man just needs to sit back and puff on a cigar.
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